This pdf is a print version of the live resume:
Evan Jia
Web Developer
Programming Skills
Language Skills
Work History
AllGoods was born out of the realisation that New Zealand e-commerce was old fashioned, slow and more expensive than many other parts of the world. We wanted to make buying and selling cheaper, faster and more fun for Kiwis.
- Leading the frontend development of AllGoods
- Built with with AngularJs/SASS/Webpack/Node
- Optimizing SEO with a Node Prerender server
- Built the AllGoods App (iOS and Android)
- Built with NativeScript/Angular/SASS/Ngrx/SocketIO/NX/NestJS
- Contributed to the NativeScript Pro UI
- Created serval plugins when building the app (Check my github repos)
- Contract work for Rocket Lab
- Built the satellite tracker for The Humanity Star
- Leading the frontend development of AllGoods
17AVR is a AR/VR website. It includes a market, a news section and a forum.
- Design the technical architecture of 17AVR
- Database based on MongoDB
- a Node server and a React(Redux) front-end
- Optimizing SEO with Isomophic rendering
- forum based on NodeBB
- Background management built with AngularJs
- style based on Foundation-apps
- server code is tested with Chai and Mocha
- Built the app for 17AVR with Cordova
- Built production environment for 17AVR
- Design the technical architecture of 17AVR
Lpromis3 is a business process management system in which people can create their process with custom logic and UI.
- Help develop ‘lpromis3’ front-end with JAVA/JSF/Javascript
- Built development environment for ‘lpromis ui’ & ‘lpromis mobile’ & ‘lpromis portal’ with Gulp/Grunt
- Developed lpromis ui with AngularJs/Bootstrap/LESS including all Javascript & LESS code
- Leading the development of lpromis mobile with AngularJs/Ionic/SASS which was available in the App Store
- Leading the development of lpromis portal with AngularJs/LESS
Education History
Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Bachelor , Computer Science and Technology
(2008 - 2012) | Shanghai, China